India Launches Operation Ajay to Evacuate Stranded Citizens from Israel

New Delhi: The Indian government has announced Operation Ajay to evacuate Indian citizens stranded in conflict-ridden Israel. Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar shared this critical information, emphasizing the commitment of the government to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens abroad.

Dr. S. Jaishankar tweeted, "Operation Ajay has been initiated to facilitate the return of our citizens willing to come back from Israel. Special charter flights and other arrangements are underway. We are fully committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens abroad.

http://<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Launching <a href="^tfw">#OperationAjay</a> to facilitate the return from Israel of our citizens who wish to return. <br><br>Special charter flights and other arrangements being put in place.<br><br>Fully committed to the safety and well-being of our nationals abroad.</p>— Dr. S. Jaishankar (@DrSJaishankar) <a href="^tfw">October 11, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

This announcement comes at a time when tensions between Hamas and Israel have ,continued for the fifth consecutive day following a Saturday attack by Hamas on Israel, which escalated the conflict.

The Embassy has sent an email to registered Indian citizens for the first special flight. The Indian Embassy in Israel has indicated that messages will be sent to other registered individuals for subsequent flights back to India.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared the formation of an 'emergency government' with opposition leader Benny Gantz, which will remain in effect as long as the conflict in Gaza continues.

Approximately 18,000 Indians currently reside in Israel. The government has established helpline numbers for assistance: Delhi Control Room phone numbers are 1800118797 (toll-free), +91-11 23012113, +91-11-23014104, +91-11-23017905, and +919968291988. The email address is Additionally, the Indian Embassy in Tel Aviv has set up a 24-hour emergency helpline reachable via phone numbers +97235226748 and +972-543278392, and through email at

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