Two cadets of Chandigarh Battalion NCC to scale Mt Everest

Chandigarh, Feb 4 The Director General of NCC has selected two NCC cadets, Jahan Kukkal and Padam Namgail, from 2 Chandigarh Battalion NCC to embark on a historic mountaineering expedition to Mount Everest, the world's highest peak.
This remarkable achievement is a testament to the cadets' unwavering spirit, dedication and perseverance. Both cadets recently attended a pre-Everest expedition at Mount Abi Gamin (7,335 m) and a winter training camp at the world's highest battlefield Siachen at its base camp.
Cadet Jahan Kukkal has successfully completed an expedition to Mount Kang Yatse II, located at an altitude of 6,250 m. These experiences have prepared them for the ultimate challenge.
Colonel Paramjit Singh, Commanding Officer of 2 NCC Chandigarh Battalion, congratulating the cadets on their remarkable achievement said that the selection of Kukkal and Namgail for the forthcoming Mount Everest expedition is a remarkable example of the NCC's commitment to nurturing resilience and leadership among youth.
Their journey to the Everest will not only be a personal milestone but also a moment of pride for the entire NCC fraternity and the nation, he added.
He further said that this expedition serves as a beacon of inspiration for other young aspirants, demonstrating the NCC's proud history of fostering courage, determination, and teamwork among its cadets.
The success of Kukkal and Namgail will pave the way for future generations of NCC cadets to pursue their dreams and push beyond their limits.
Last year, NCC’s Mountaineering Expedition Team, comprising both Kukkal and Namgail conquered Mt Abi Gamin. The peak, situated in the Garhwal Himalayas at an elevation of 7,355 meters, serves as a crucial preparatory phase for the NCC’s upcoming mission to conquer Mount Everest this year.
The team comprised 34 cadets, six Officers and 20 Permanent Instructors and Staff from various NCC Directorates across the country, who participated in this challenging expedition. The team encountered four to five feet of snow. Despite this, the team displayed remarkable perseverance. They achieved a commendable height of approximately 7,000 meters.
The expedition underscored the NCC’s dedication to instilling a spirit of adventure, leadership and service to the Nation in its cadets. That was the 88th NCC Cadets’ Mountaineering Expedition since 1970.
Mt Everest was first conquered by New Zealander Edmund Hillary and his guide Tenzing Norgay in 1953, and has ever since fascinated climbers and mountaineers to scale the peak in the Himalayas.
Source: IANS