OZiva Aims to Change the Perception Around Men’s Physical and Mental Health with Its Social Experiment Film #BeYourOwnMan

Business Wire India

OZiva, India’s leading certified clean and plant-based nutrition and wellness brand recently launched a social experiment film #BeYourOwnMan, delving on the plethora of issues that Indian men face with respect to their health. The experiment was an attempt to highlight the popular misconceptions plaguing men’s health that often goes untended. OZiva had recently conducted a survey that revealed some startling results. From 51% men equating being healthy to ‘just feeling’ fit to 27% men feeling embarrassed to openly speak about mental and physical health, the statistics further indicate the need for awareness around men’s health. It has also been affirmed that globally, on an average, men are dying 5 years earlier than women and men account for a whopping 69% of the total number of suicides.

Speaking of the campaign, Aarti Gill, Co-founder of OZiva said, “The importance of good health cannot be defined by genders. However, we are seeing a huge divide in the way health is perceived by men and women. At OZiva, we want to empower every individual to be healthier and better in every way. Whether men or women, physical and mental health should always be a priority. And we are hoping to open more conversations and also encourage men to seek help when needed as there is no shame in prioritizing health.”

The social experiment film delved deeper into understanding the stats around men’s health better.

It works on multiple levels to permeate the idea that it is essential for men to take care of their physical and mental wellbeing. And plunges deep into the intricacies of men’s psyche and attempts to understand their various mental and physical concerns. The film uses a very simple insight that men rarely shy away from boasting about their scars- whether it’s a childhood scar from a cool mischief story or the one they got as teenagers while playing. In fact, they wear these stories like a badge of honor! But when it comes to sharing or talking about scars that are not really visible, their mental and physical health, there is a lot of hesitation, fear and embarrassment as well. The film aims to break the stereotype of what it means to be a man by encouraging every man to #BeYourOwnMan and tell them it's okay to speak up about health and get help when needed.

View the social experiment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggdqx1Cquc0
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